Well, we made it here! Precious cargo and all! This time it was dark as we took the drive from the airport to North Pole. Not the most scenic introduction to Alaska for Brandon. But we were all tired from traveling (although with only one layover it was pretty stress-free) so that was alright. The site I was most interested in seeing was home.
Adam met us, despite having traveled 500 miles that day down from Tulik Lake and a fruitless caribou hunt. He was a most welcome vision! We all crammed in to the Blazer, stuffed to the gills with luggage. Adam had beds made up in each room of the apartment and everyone hit the hay after we unloaded.
The next morning we got up and headed over to
The Bakery for breakfast. Then we went for a tour of the town. Brandon and Jenni got to see the sites - The Safeway, Wal-Mart, Wells Fargo Bank, Petco - the best places! We found a new Betta fish for Brandon and took all three to
UAF. Checked everyone into the dorms (which all smelled like onion, although the RAs assured us that was only temporary) and were mistaken for parents everywhere we went. When we got invited to the evening's barbeque ("parents are welcome to attend") Adam loudly announced that we were
not old enough to be parents. After leaving our intrepid duo to "Rev It Up" at Moore Hall, Adam and I left our parental moment behind and headed home for a movie, some dinner and and early night.
Monday Adam had the day off from work so we got up early and went on an explore! I got a tour of the gym on post - nice! - and we took time shopping in the PX for goodies for Brandon and Jenni. (So maybe we're embracing the 'parental' feeling after all!) It was such a gorgeous day that we drove around, snapping photos with our new camera from my parents and waiting for the post office to open. Lunch at
Big Daddy's BBQ (who knew you could get fried okra in Fairbanks!?) and a trek up to see the Aleyska Pipeline.
We discovered that box that Brandon had shipped did
not arrive yet, so we were glad that we had picked up some extra supplies for our two college students. We met them over at Lathrop Hall and got to hear about their introductory activities and roommates and UAF resources. Sounds like they are settling in very well an have quite a regimen of things planned over these next few days.
Adam and I took lots of photos around campus and took the time to explore the
Georgeson Botanical Gardens (instead of a drive-by). I got a volunteer application and took pictures of my handsome Alaskan flower. Adam was impressed by the size of the cabbages and ornamental kales. It's amazing how beautiful the flowers are! I guess the summers of endless sunshine really produce some gorgeous blooms. We read all about experimental farming techniques with vegetables that have "warm feet" and "cold heads". We saw Sweet Peas, Cosmos, Sunflowers, Snapdragons, Foxgloves and enjoyed the sunshine and the views. I hope that I get the opportunity to work there! I might even get a chance to play with the reindeer at the experimental farm next door! Adam has visions of me ministering to their teeth...I'm not sure why...
Today the sun has finally come out...looks like another beautiful afternoon. It's only 11:00 and I know that I will need to find some things to do. Sitting around is just not going to suit me. I think it's time for a trip to the PX for a bike!
And...I just met a mouse that came scampering out of the bedroom and is investigating the living room. Hmm...guess that answered the question about whether or not the apartment downstairs had gotten rid of their mouse problem. Lovely. Maybe my mighty caribou hunter can try something on a domestic scale. Perhaps the hunting bow we picked up yesterday? Or maybe a phone call to the landlord?